To Grow Professionally Over Summer [S1 E12]

Today’s episode is full of recommendations for professional development over the summer (specifically the summer of 2020). Here are the titles, workshops, and ideas we have for you to make the most of your creative brain space over the break.

Before we begin…

We want to make it exceptionally clear that Brave New Teaching supports, believes, and advocates that Black Lives Matter. We accept the challenge to continue reflecting on our own biases and put forth into the educational world the kinds of things that will help teachers have conversations about racism in their classrooms. There’s a lot of work to be done, and that work starts with ourselves.

A note of caution:

As you move forward into the school year, be thoughtful and mindful as you begin or continue to work through how your curriculum can be increasingly anti-biased/anti-racist. We can’t oversimplify Black experiences and writers by creating a stand-alone unit that exists in isolation. This is year-long work that we have to actually work at every single day.

Curriculum Rehab is here to stay!

Back in 2020, Curriculum Rehab, our flagship professional development course for teachers, was under construction. We’re proud to share it with you now any time of the year! To find out more about the course visit us here!

Letting Go of Literary Whiteness

by Carlin Borsheim-Black and Sophia Tatiana Sarigianides


Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You

by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi


The Power of Student Agency

by Anindya Kundu


A Novel Approach

by Cait Roberts


No More Fake Reading

by Berit Gordon


Teacher Reboot Summer 2020

with educators 2 educators


Keeping the Wonder VIRTUAL Workshop

from the Keeping the Wonder Team
