New (life) Skills BINGO: A Challenge for Students

I know I’m not the only person who has said at the end of class, “Seriously? You don’t know how to clean up after yourself?” It should come to no one’s surprise that our students truly lack some real life skills. Wouldn’t it be amazing if our students could actually be helpful humans for their parents and for themselves?

Whether you find yourself in a distance or remote learning situation or maybe even need a creative idea to send kids home with over summer or winter break, we’ve got something fun that will give kids the change to learn something new and challenge themselves to step outside their comfort zones.


The BINGO board for this game is designed as a digital, interactive activity. Students are assigned this Google Slide. Each of the challenges on the board are linked to a YouTube playlist of demonstrations, ideas, and inspiration. As the students complete each challenge, they can drag the token icon to cover the square. It’s as easy as that!

Students can simply turn the BINGO card in on Google Classroom, or, they can download the completed board as a PNG or PDF file, print, and submit it to you to display in your classroom. You might even challenge students to record themselves demonstrating one of their newly learned skills and showcase it on a FlipGrid or even during a Zoom meeting. There are endless ways to use this board with your students — how do you think you’ll use this in your classroom this year?

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