Chats with Authors


One of the great pleasures we have here at the podcast is sitting down and talking to authors. As teachers, readers, and life long learners, we have a special giddy-spot for hearing directly from the creators of the novels, graphic novels, professional development, poetry and other books that we love reading so much.

I need something to binge…

…then we recommend you start with our first Camp BNT series! Over the course of one summer, we interviewed authors back to back to back all in an effort to deepen our understanding of how to best share a wide range of voices and perspectives with students. From fiction to nonfiction, from award-winning best selling authors to up and coming brilliant new voices, you’ll love this series!


I’m looking for a specific author…

Welcome to our Chat with Authors catalog! You’ll find every author interview right here along with buttons to purchase their books, listen to their episodes, and connect with them further.

Have an author request? Are you an author that would like to be on the podcast? Send us an email at and we will connect with you there!


Feature 1

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Deonna Smith is a former teacher, school administrator, and lifelong advocate for educational justice. She works with leaders and teachers across the country to build equitable and joyful school communities. She was featured in Forbes magazine for her diversity, equity, and inclusion work and was named Social Justice Advocate of the Year in 2021.

Feature 3

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